Influencers and Ice Cream
In this age of influencers, social media monetization, and the popularity contests that pervade our modern society, Rewritten strives to make an impact in a different way–by helping to fill needed spiritual and relational gaps, and by coming alongside the unflashy and unpopular but huge population of young people growing up without the presence, resources, and love of fathers in their homes. Our recent fundraising gala and campaign evidenced our continued focus on these who are often overlooked.
Our most recent winter gala was held at the historic Mission Inn in Riverside, California. This landmark in downtown Riverside has been visited by many U.S. presidents, dignitaries, and other influential people for almost 150 years–welcoming many “influencers” from the 1800s until today. We find it meaningful that the Lord has used this annual event to help Rewritten to influence those we serve who feel the hard impact of fatherlessness every single day. Our mission and existence is to give these young people a better chance to make good use of their lives now and in the future. By God’s grace and provision, Rewritten, and all of us, have the opportunity to leverage the influence we have for our participants and for others in need in our community, using what we have and where we are to bring about some amount of good “on earth as it is in heaven.”
This year’s gala featured the stories of many of our past and present participants. One former participant, Dravion, gave a moving presentation on how he came into the program as a confused, angry young boy. He often got in trouble and was temporarily kicked out of the program more than once. Dravion said that our CEO, Frank Perez made a huge impact on him: “he never gave up on me! He even came to my high school graduation, but he didn’t have to!” Due to the help he received from Rewritten, Dravion experienced a real transformation in his life, finished high school, and started culinary work. However, for a long time, he ended up in lower level food jobs, but he shared that, at last, “I work with real food now!” He said how thankful he was for the support and mentoring he received during the years he was at Rewritten. We’re super proud of him and look forward to seeing what his future holds!
Another highlight of the night was speaker, Dr. Jennifer Jagerson, former missionary to India and professor of education at Vanguard University. In her address, Dr. Jagerson drew upon her research into what makes young people from hard backgrounds become content and productive in their lives. She first explained that there is research on the correlation between geographical areas with higher sales of ice cream and higher incidents of murder. It was an odd connection, of course, which she unpacked for the audience, reminding us that correlation does not necessarily mean causation. The connection between the two is about the higher incidence of violence in regions of the world with hot climates. We can sometimes miss the point in trying to understand problems and solutions, she explained. Likewise, for young people who are fatherless, there is a higher amount of failure to thrive in a social, educational, professional, emotional, and spiritual sense. Fatherlessness directly causes major damage and greatly decreases the likelihood that these young people will enjoy peaceful, stable, and productive lives. There are so many programs out there trying to find solutions for young people in this situation that are missing the mark. Research shows that there is actually an X-factor that is key in helping them to thrive despite their hard beginnings, and that is having supportive personal relationships. This is the specific area in which Rewritten works to support hurting young people in this situation. Nobody can undo the pain and trauma they’ve experienced due to the absence of their fathers, nor remove the broken relationships they’ve suffered in the fallout. However, we can be intentional about the relational aspect of working with them. Also, in a faith-based organization like Rewritten, we can point these kids to the true Father in the fatherhood of God. Knowing the X-factor helps us to provide targeted support for them, and this can lay groundwork to healing despite the devastating void left by their fathers. Rewritten makes a big difference in helping young people to grow and heal by offering faithful, relational support. A caring “influencer,” who actually knows these young people makes a powerful difference in his or her future.
What does all of this have to do with the gala? The fundraising gala is the catalyst that provides the needed financial resources for Rewritten to provide that relational X-factor for young people without fathers as well as to direct them to our true Father God. We are so very thankful that our sponsors, monthly supporters, and gala guests see the value in what we are doing to help them, and partner alongside us by giving financially. Our entire reason for existence is to serve and help the young girls and boys who come to us by filling in that social-emotional gap in the ways we are equipped to do with the help of those who partner with us. On behalf of our participants, we thank everyone who has contributed time, resources, prayers, and money to become worthwhile “influencers” who are helping to point the young people who come to us to the love, healing, and grace of God the Father.